The ups and downs of renovating a house

…or two

Archive for the month “May, 2015”


So, it’s been a while since I last wrote on here.  We’re going to be seeing some serious changes. Here’s the gist – my father-in-law passed away in March. This means that my mother-in-law would be living in a 5-bedroom house alone.  Not happening.  So, we’re going to move in with her and eventually rent out our place.

Unfortunately, her house is stuck in the 1960s/70s and so we have a lot of work to do in order to make it really work for all of us.  But much of it has to wait until all the legal stuff is done around my FIL.  So, this will be a process.  As will getting our house ready for renting, including doing up the loft and regaining another bedroom.  As we go through this process, I’ll be posting photos and talking about the process.

We started off by painting and putting in new carpet in the bedroom we’ll move into at my MIL’s house.  Here’s a few before pics:

As you can see, the carpet is quite old and worn (over 40 years old).  The walls needed some serious paint.  And the accent colours – brown.

And here’s the after (so far – we’re getting new wardrobes and other furniture):

Well…this is the beginning.  There is more to come soon!

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